The frequent question is, is my blood test results is normal or not? what level is considered normal?, or should my number be normal like this?
let me explain what does it meant by Normal Range for a substance in our blood.
The List of all normal values and healthy normal ranges for some common medical analysis tests:
- E.S.R) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
Normal values of ESR test are:
Male 0 - 13 mm per hour
Female 0 - 20 mm per hour
This analysis is worth more than in cases of pregnancy and the menstrual cycle ..
And infections such as tuberculosis and immune diseases
it is less than its value in cases of sickle cell anemia.
This analysis is always requested by doctors and can be dispensed with if he the Doctor can make diagnosis without. read more abut high sed rate levels
- BT (Bleeding Time) APTT and PT
All these previous analyzes measure blood clotting time..
I mean useful to know the blood thinners ..
But if more time is greater than the natural border.. The Possible hemorrhage incidence..
Normal ranges are:
BT & CT UP TO 10 min
PT = 10-14 sec
APTT = 30-40 sec
Bleeding Time Normal ranges are:
Bleeding for 1 - 5 min
Coagulation Time or clotting time: 5 - 10 min
Prothrombin Time for clotting: 80 - 100%
- Creatinine
Rises in the event of a defect in the work of kidneys
creatinine Normal ranges is: 0.5-1.2 mg/dl
- Uric Acid
Of course known rise in cases of gout.
normal values is between 3.5 – 7.0 mg/dl
- Blood urea
Produced by breaking a protein found in the body
Rises in the case of sugar, fever, coma and after the operations
normal values are ranges 15 - 45 mg/dl in a healthy person.
What does BUN blood test results mean?
- Complete blood picture has normal values as:
Red blood cells (RBCs)
Normal range is 4.2 - 5.9 million cells / cumm
Hemoglobin Hgb%:
In men the natural rate ranges between 13 - 18. In women between 12 - 16.
White blood cells (WBCs)
Normal rate ranges between 4,300 - 10,800 cells / cumm
There are 5 different types of white blood cells, each with a different function:
Neutrophils: normal range 40 - 75%.
Lymphocytes: normal range 20 - 45%.
Monocytes: normal range 2-10%.
Eosinophils: normal range 1-6%.
Basophils: normal 1%.
The normal number of platelets is 150,000 - 400,000 / cumm
Optimal (health) range or therapeutic target

(not to be confused with biological target) is a reference range or limit that is based on concentrations or levels that are associated with optimal health or minimal risk of related complications and diseases, rather than the standard range based on normal distribution in the population.
It may be more appropriate to use for e.g. folate, since approximately 90 percent of North Americans may actually suffer more or less from folate deficiency, but only the 2.5 percent that have the lowest levels will fall below the standard reference range. In this case, the actual folate ranges for optimal health are substantially higher than the standard reference ranges.
Vitamin D has a similar tendency. In contrast, for e.g. uric acid, having a level not exceeding the standard reference range still does not exclude the risk of getting gout or kidney stones. Furthermore, for most toxins, the standard reference range is generally lower than the level of toxic effect.
A problem with optimal health range is a lack of a standard method of estimating the ranges. The limits may be defined as those where the health risks exceed a certain threshold, but with various risk profiles between different measurements (such as folate and vitamin D), and even different risk aspects for one and the same measurement (such as both deficiency and toxicity of vitamin A) it is difficult to standardize. Subsequently, optimal health ranges, when given by various sources, have an additional variability caused by various definitions of the parameter.
Also, as with standard reference ranges, there should be specific ranges for different determinants that affects the values, such as sex, age, long clinical experience by a physician may make this method more preferable than using reference ranges.
The sources include from Wikipedia, webmed, myocliniclabs
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