Why do testing for growth hormone test?
testing for the suppression or stimulation of growth hormone release from the pituitary is usually done.
What is growth hormone test used for?
GH stimulation tests help to diagnose GH deficiency and hypopituitarism.
GH suppression tests help to diagnose GH excess
When to draw a sample for growth hormone test?
For a stimulation test, a sample of blood is drawn after 10-12 hours of fasting, thus the growth hormone test require fasting before test.
Normal growth hormone level
Random growth hormone (GH) levels in a healthy person range as follows: Men: < 5 ng/mL or < 226 pmol/L. Women: < 10 ng/mL or < 452 pmol/L. Children: 0-20 ng/mL or 0-904 pmol/L
Growth Hormone Levels for Newborn Infants and Children
The role of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) change through early childhood. Whereas poor growth is a later presenting feature, infants with isolated GH deficiency have a normal birth weight and length, and often present with hypoglycemia.
If left untreated, the condition can result in shorter-than-average height and delayed puberty. Your body still needs growth hormone after you've finished puberty. Once you're in adulthood, the growth hormone maintains your body structure and metabolism. Adults can also develop GHD, but it isn't as common.
What is normal growth?
Children grow very rapidly the first two years of life and during puberty. This is reflected by their rapid weight and height gain.
Weight changes:
- Loss of 5-10% of birth weight the first few days of life
- Week 1 – 2 : Regain birth weight
- 2 weeks – 3months : Gain 20 – 30g /day
- 3 – 6 months : Gain 20g /day
- 6 -12 months : Gain 12g /day
- 12 -18 months : Gain 8 g /day
Generally, children double their birth weight by 5-6 months of age and triple their birth weight by 1 year.
Height gained:
- 1st year: 25cm
- 2nd year: 12cm
- 3rd year onwards till puberty: 6 cm/y
- Growth spurt during puberty ( usually of about 2 years duration) :
Girls 6-11 cm/ y
Boys 7-12 cm/y
How can I monitor my child’s progress?
To track a child’s growth, you can plot her weight and height in the charts available on her health booklet. Joining these points over time, you will see a curve form on the chart. This gives an the indication of how the child compares with her peers.
For example, if a girl’s weight falls on the 25th centile line, it means that she is heavier than 25% of normal girls her age and lighter than 75% of normal girls. Between the age of 6-18 months, a child’s position on the chart may move up or down these centile lines. This may be normal as long as there is continued weight gain (never weight loss) and the child is in good health. After this age, most children should grow at a normal rate such that the growth curve appears parallel to the other lines on the chart i.e. their position remains constant relative to their peers.
When should I be concerned?
Children whose measurements fall under the 3rd centile may be completely healthy but should be assessed by their paediatricianto exclude any medical problems. This is especially so if they have chronic diarrhoea, vomiting, poor appetite or are not attaining normal milestones.
Another cause for concern is the child who is not gaining weight or height appropriately for age. She may start off at a higher centile and fall to a lower centile over time. This is reflected by a growth curve that cuts across the centile lines on the chart.
Low Growth Hormone Levels Treatment
- Lose Body Fat. The amount of body fat you carry is directly related to your HGH production.
- Fast Intermittently.
- Try an Arginine Supplement.
- Reduce Sugar Intake.
- Don't Eat a Lot Before Bedtime.
- Take a GABA Supplement.
- Exercise at a High Intensity.
- Take Beta-Alanine and/or a Sports Drink Around Your Workouts.