/ / Abortion Decision

Abortion Decision

 Before You Decide Abortion or Baby, Look A Minute

You might be pregnant and that can be scary. Let's take a few minutes to think and talk

about what this means to you. Anytime a man and woman have sex, pregnancy can happen.

It's how we all came into the world, some of us by accident. 

From the time you become pregnant, your body responds with powerful changes that will support the pregnancy. When

you became unexpectedly pregnant, it can feel like life has come to a stop. No matter what

happens from this point forward, things will be different. However, life will continue

on; it just changes direction. 

You have two choices: an abortion or a baby. First let's 

talk about having an abortion. 

An abortion is preformed by taking a series of pills or

through a surgical procedure which will end a pregnancy by stopping the growth of your

fetus and removing it from your body. 

Many states require parental notification or consent

before an abortion is allowed for anyone under eighteen. First, it's important to have your

pregnancy confirmed. 

An ultrasound can tell how far along you are, which will determine

the type of abortion that can be done. 

Abortive pills are usually taken early in pregnancy.

These pills cut off the life-line to the growing embryo and cause you to have cramps, which

will push the embryo out. 

Potential risks include heavy or prolonged bleeding, infection,

and failed abortion. 

Taking abortive pills will usually lead to the end of the pregnancy

in a non-surgical manner. 

In cases where these pills fail, a surgical procedure is usually

done to complete the abortion. Surgical abortions are preformed at any time after pregnancy

is confirmed. Up to approximately fourteen or fifteen weeks from the last menstrual period,

a suction aspiration procedure is performed. 

A long plastic tube is inserted into the uterus, attached to a suction device, and the fetus is suctioned out. Some of the risks include

heavy bleeding, infection, damage to your body, and emotional problems like anxiety,

depression, and suicidal thoughts and behavior. 

Approximately sixteen weeks from the last

menstrual period and beyond, a more complicated surgical abortion is required. At this stage,

the fetus has grown too large to fit through suction tubing. Surgical instruments are used

to grasp and pull body parts through the open cervix. 

A scraping instrument and the suction machine may be used to clear remaining tissue or blood clots. 

Surgical abortion at this stage of pregnancy has a greater risk of complications including incomplete abortion, which occurs

when fetal tissue is left in your body. 

Other risks include heavy bleeding, infection, and

organ damage. After about twenty-four weeks from the last menstrual period, it is possible

for the fetus to survive outside of the mother's body. The law requires that the doctor must

make sure that the fetus is no longer alive before it is removed. This is done by giving

the an injection to stop the fetal heart. Before proceeding with the remainder of the

surgical abortion. Later term abortions are much more expensive and not available in many

states. They are also associated with a much higher risk of complications and carry the

highest risk of death compared to earlier abortions. An abortion ends a pregnancy quickly

and some women express immediate relief. But others report negative emotions that linger.

Sometimes, mental health issues that disrupt a woman's life emerge months or even years

later. Now, let's talk about having a baby. If you choose to continue your pregnancy,

your body will stay on its natural course through the birth of your baby. You can choose

to be a parent or place for adoption. Choosing to parent means you get to give your baby

a name and help him or her grow. Parenting a child is rewarding, but comes with many

challenges. Your relationships may change if your partner, family, or friends don't

support your decision at first. 

You will have many new responsibilities. Likewise, having

a child will create additional financial needs. Your body will undergo numerous changes. Some

are exciting, like feeling the baby move, and some are unpleasant, like morning sickness.

It is important to take care of yourself for your babies benefit. You'll need to plan for

your medical care during the pregnancy, for your delivery, and for both you and your baby

after birth. There are community programs that can help with, or completely cover these

expenses. If you and your partner are committed to raising your child together, marriage could

be the best parenting option. 

Choosing to place for adoption will allow you to maintain

your current life plans, although there may be a temporary delay during your pregnancy.

Adoption is not without its challenges. You will go through the physical changes typical

when carrying and delivering a baby. Your friends or family may not fully understand

your choice, and you may face an emotional struggle to place your child in an adoptive

family once he or she is born. 

However, with the right emotional support in place, most

women don't regret their choice to place their baby in a loving home. You can even select

the adoptive parents. In fact, there are many options for you to consider, including being

a part of your child's life in some way. This is called, "Open Adoption." It is important

to remember that adoption is not a decision you have to make today. You'll have time over

the next few months to ask questions and really understand if this is the best choice for

you and your baby. 

Choosing between having an abortion or a baby is one of the most important

decisions you will ever make. 

Take the time to think and talk about your options. 

You are not alone, we are here to help you!

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